Impresiones de Nintendo, Square Enix, Ubisoft y PC Gaming – Estado Gamer Show: Especial E3 2018

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- 03:43 – Daemon X Machina.
- 07:28 – Nuevos DLC’s: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Torna: The Golden Country y Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle – Donkey Kong Adventure.
- 08:34 – Fortnite.
- 12:57 – Overcooked! 2.
- 16:43 – Hollow Knight.
- 20:28 – Arena of Valor.
- 21:58 – Pixark y Ark: Survival Evolved.
- 22:07 – Dragon Ball FighterZ.
- 25:54 – Wasteland 2.
- 27:12 – Fallout Shelter.
- 29:02 – The World ends with you -Final Mix- a finales del 2018.
- 29:50 – Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
- 48:19 – Beyond Good and Evil 2.
- 59:05 – Torneos de Rainbow Six: Siege.
- 1:00:43 – The Division 2.
- 1:02:41 – Trials Rising.
- 1:04:56 – Presentación de Donkey Kong Adventure.
- 1:05:07 – Skull and Bones.
- 1:07:35 – Transference.
- 1:09:36 – Starlink: Battle for Atlas.
- 1:13:30 – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
Square Enix:
- 1:26:23 – Nuevo Gameplay:Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
- 1:29:25 – Nuevo Gameplay de Just Cause 4.
- 1:30:45 – Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age.
- 1:33:17 – Babylon’s Fall.
- 1:36:17 – Mención de: Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XIV x Monster Hunter World, NieR Automata y The Awesome of Adventures of Captain Spirit.
PC Gaming Show:
- 1:44:30 – Satisfactory.
- 1:47:00 – Más juegos de Sega para PC: Yakuza 0 y Kiwami, Two Point Hospital, Valkyria Chronicles 4, Shenmue 1 y 2.
- 1:50:54 – Sable.
- 1:52:36 – Hitman 2.
- 1:55:24 – Overkill’s The Walking Dead.
- 1:58:09 – Ooblets.
- 1:58:46 – Rapture Rejects.
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